Common Attitudes

The outcome of the election shows how people are not as accepting as I hoped. It is a common attitude to get people to conform our else be excluded. Sadly, too many American Christians are acting just like the world in their lack of compassion, lack of kindness, and lack of tenderness particularly towards those who are oppressed and downtrodden.

Jesus said that blessed are the peacemakers. Taking a stand for the less fortunate, minorities, the mentally ill and the outcast and promoting peace tends to run counter to the Evangelical movement. Taking a stand for justice is not a priority for the American church like I hoped. It seems as though the gospel and peacemaking are at odds with each other.

As someone with mental illness, I have come a long way, playing by the rules as best as I can. Many will think that mentally ill people who sincerely follow their passions need to adjust better to society. I agree that healthy people who are less needy are more able to function well in society, but that is no reason for healthy people to look down on others who are struggling. We are all mentally ill to one degree or another. Mentally ill people are challenged to adapt to the ways of the world, including excluding others who don’t measure up or conform. I believe adaptation goes both ways. The mentally ill in America still deserve more respect and support than they are receiving.

There are still people being judged despite doing the best they can, who are rejected and discriminated against needlessly. We need to take a stand for justice and for civil rights as well as be more compassionate to those who have trouble adjusting instead of looking down on them.

About journeywithmercy

I am seeking a meaningful life in Jesus Christ. I am not sure exactly what that means, but I am on a journey to find out. I seek a most amazing way beyond my wildest dreams to fulfill my calling, purpose and destiny while enjoying beauty, art, culture, nature and science the whole way thorugh.
This entry was posted in Acceptance, Accuse, Achievement mentality, Advocacy, Agape Love, Aloneness, American Christianity, American Culture, Anti-Bullying, Approval, Behavioral Health, Being fit enough, Being Liked, Belonging, Bi-polar Disorder, Broken Hearted, Bullying, Change the World, Childlikeness, Civil Rights, cliques, Compassion, Condemnation, Conflict, Conformity, Cooperatrion, Degraded, Demoralization, Demoralized, Deny, Depression, Desires, Destiny, Determination, Devalued, Difficulty, Disapproval, Discord, Discredited, Disdain, Division, Double Standards, Dreams, Embrace, empathy, Encouragement, Exclusion, Fear, Fundamentalism, Gentleness, Good enough, Homeless, Hurt, Identity, Included, Inclusion, Injustice, Intolerance, Judging, Love, Low Income, Making a difference, Making an Impact, Matters of the Heart, Measuring up, Mental Health, Mental Illness, Mercy, Ministry of Reconciliation, Mission, Need, needy, Outcast, Outcasts, Overcoming, Passion, Passionate, Peace, Peacemaking, Penalization, Performance Mentality, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Priorities, Reconciliation, Rejection, Relationships, Respect, Self- Rigteousness, Shame, Social Faux Passes, Social Norms, social skills, Society, Special needs kids, Support, sweetness, sympathy, Tenderness, Trust, Uncategorized, Unconditional Love, Understanding, Unity, Valued, Values, Well-Being, Wellness, Worth and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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